Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today my entire office went out for lunch, as we always do when my boss is here from the UK. It was nice to have a break from Legal Seafoods and random places that the boss reads about on TripIt - NOT good. We went to the Fat Cactus on Rte 1, brand new and still finishing construction outside. It took a while to get the food and the service was less than stellar, but the food was not bad, I got the vegetarian quesadilla, the jicama slaw was amazing! Best item on the menu.

When we returned to the office my co-workers had a 10 year anniversary celebration for my boss and I!!! Champagne - or sparkling cider for the non drinkers like me, strawberries, and chocolate. Godiva chocolate, assorted truffles and a big box of chocolate covered biscuits. As much as I like to eat healthy and vegetarian or vegan, whatever my thing is, when I see chocolate, I have no dietary restrictions.

The Godiva was good, but I have to mention my recent absolute favorite chocolate ever!! And it's vegan!! Lagusta Yearwood's Bluestocking Bonbons. The truffles are the best I have ever had, flavors like beet coriander, apple fennel, chipotle vanilla, raspberry balsamic, I've tried them all, and they're amazing! My favorite of her other chocolates are the peppermint patties - heaven in a really really cute box. I think I need to go order some now!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is Sult og Mer

Sult was the title of a Knut Hamsun novel that I read when I was a high school student at Grefsen Gymnas in Oslo, Norway. This blog has absolutely nothing to do with the content of the book, which is typically dark like the Scandinavian personality stereotype - which I have finally come to accept that I have. It has to do with the word, which means hunger. Hunger and more. It's mostly about food hunger but also spiritual hunger and some other stuff that I might be interested in. These days though it's mostly about food, good food, healthy food, with occasional decadent chocolate indulgences.
Today the office talk was all about tofu. I had brought in a package of fried soft tofu that I got at HMart, a super sized Asian market in Burlington. My fellow veggie coworker was so excited to cut the package open, and we were pleasantly surprised at the round puffs of tofu, not unlike mini beignets. She ate them cold, I heated a few in a wrap with hummus and arugula. Delicious! H Mart is THE best place to get tofu, any kind of tofu, there is a wall of it, all consistencies and types, after my first trip I cannot in good conscience EVER buy tofu at a regular grocery store again!